
unable to purchase a phone number

Lisa Smith 5 years ago in SMS updated by Richie Rich 1 (Level 3 Support) 5 years ago 1

Screenshot 2020-03-11 13.46.47.png. Hello, this is my second attempt to get this resolved, I continue to try and purchase a number for SMS and Voice needs but keep getting error code 21649 which just tells me to contact Twilio?  I don't know what that is and their website isn't helpful.  Please refer to screenshot and advice how I resolve?  



Hi Lisa,

Just confirming I have addressed this in a separate ticket and am closing this one.

To reiterate, this will be resolved within 2 weeks.

:) Richard.


Hi Lisa,

Just confirming I have addressed this in a separate ticket and am closing this one.

To reiterate, this will be resolved within 2 weeks.

:) Richard.