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unable to purchase a phone number
Screenshot 2020-03-11 13.46.47.png. Hello, this is my second attempt to get this resolved, I continue to try and purchase a number for SMS and Voice needs but keep getting error code 21649 which just tells me to contact Twilio? I don't know what that is and their website isn't helpful. Please refer to screenshot and advice how I resolve?

Hi Lisa,
Just confirming I have addressed this in a separate ticket and am closing this one.
To reiterate, this will be resolved within 2 weeks.
:) Richard.

sms reminder issue
a patient named lennox tierney isn't getting reminders. Yet the same number under his mums account is? we have had to triage his account numerous times now and it's the same phone number

Hi Eric,
I have just created a ticket for you regarding this issue, since we will be sharing a few details from within your Zurli site, while addressing this query and public forum will not be suitable for sharing such details.
I have already sent you a reply in the ticket, which you should have received by now.
Customer support service by UserEcho