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google tag manager

luke stone 10 months ago in Online Booking updated by Oscar (Level 1 Support) 10 months ago 1

Hi just wondering what are the option in regards to either setting up google tag manager or Facebook conversion tracking.


Email Notification

Dr Gian 6 years ago in Online Booking updated by VOLTA ZAIGHAM 6 years ago 1

It would be great if Zurili would send us an email notification of an Online New Patient Booking. Several times we have been caught unawares by a new patient when we were busy or out of the office. It would be great if we can get an email to ensure our best service.Unless I have missed this feature?

VOLTA ZAIGHAM 6 years ago


This is indeed possible through an SMS notification which will be sent out to the practitioner, the patient has been scheduled with.

I have sent you the details regarding how to configure this, in a ticket, which I just created for you.




online booking asterix fields

April Traynor 6 years ago in Online Booking updated by VOLTA ZAIGHAM 6 years ago 1

Our ticket seems to have disappeared :(
We need to ensure that all data fields are filled in by new clients booking online. Ie we need their FULL name, DOB address, medicare, email and phone numbers.
At this stage they only ASTERIX fields for name and phone number.
Can you please advise how we amend this so that all fields must be filled in for clients to make an online booking?
Thanks and looking forward to your prompt response with this, as I havent realised that our previous ticket had gone astray

VOLTA ZAIGHAM 6 years ago


I have just sent a detailed response regarding this in the latest ticket that you just raised for this response along with a link and reference to the previous ticket.

You should have received that response by now.



VOLTA ZAIGHAM 6 years ago


In order for me to be able to assist you to the best of my abilities, could please be so kind as to share with me a little more detail about the issue you came across including:

1- The name of the practice you are trying to book the appointment with 

2- The name of the doctor you are trying to book the appointment with

2- Most importantly, the  exact error message you see when you try to book the appointment

As soon as I receive the above information, I will be sure to look into this right away and update you about my findings.


Personalising Booking screens for NP's - step 3 of 5

April Traynor 6 years ago in Online Booking updated by VOLTA ZAIGHAM 6 years ago 1

Sorry Volta and Zurili team, but can you please directly answer how to get step 3 of 5 in the NP booking screens to asterix all data fields as "required fields"?
I have found where to go to personalise the screen wordings, and we will work on that shortly, but cannot find how to adjust these data fields so that NP's must enter all details. We need their first name, last name, DOB etc etc, not just their first name and email.
Can you please advise how to amend this, as none of the links you have sent through previously cover this edit?
As our online booking link is up and running we would appreciate your prompt response with an answer to this particular question
Thank you


VOLTA ZAIGHAM 6 years ago

Hi Jennie,

I have just sent a detailed reply to you regarding this in the same ticket we are conducting the discussion regarding this. 

You should have received that reply by now, please let me know if you need any further assistance regarding this by replying to that ticket.




can't download sync tool

Michael Budlender 6 years ago in Online Booking updated by VOLTA ZAIGHAM 6 years ago 3

this download wont work for me,  I have tried to turn off firewall and anti-virus

VOLTA ZAIGHAM 6 years ago

Hi Michael,

We need to handle this in a private ticket rather than a public forum, considering the sensitive information I need to proceed further with the deployment of the rectification measure for the reported issue. 

I did actually create the private ticket, 4 hours ago, which you should have received a notification for, in your Gmail account. In case you can't find it in your inbox, can you please check your junk mail folder and please do let me know if it's not there as well.




Triage idea for reschedules

Jenna 7 years ago in Online Booking updated by Richie Rich 1 (Level 3 Support) 7 years ago 2


We have a lot of patients who reschedule appointment online - love it! 

However it is hard to filter through reschedule appointment notifications and other more important event notifications. 

An idea: to make events triaged from the dashboard


Jenna :)


Great idea. It's done. Look for it in the next update.


verification email

Dr. Adam 9 years ago in Online Booking updated by thrintessets1954 7 years ago 2

Verification Email not coming through? Not in junk and entered correctly.