Topic List

Under review

Trouble triaging

Lisa Naera 1 year ago in Dashboard updated by Sasha Fernando (Level 1 Support) 1 year ago 1

I need some help to triage a message on the dashboard. We have tried everything and its stuck Zurili dashboard.png

Under review

Cant change picture

Dr Ashley Campbell-Bird 2 years ago in Dashboard updated by Sasha Fernando (Level 1 Support) 2 years ago 1

app notifications

Ben 7 years ago in Dashboard updated by Richie Rich 1 (Level 3 Support) 7 years ago 1

Is there some way that accessing zurili through chrome on my phone can be enabled with push notifications of some kind? So we know when an sms comes in that we need to triage?


Hi Ben,

It's a great question. As you know, you get notifications on your desktop, but your phone puts chrome to sleep so you don't see those unless Chrome is active. Pretty useless.

We have started work on a phone app specifically to address this issue and also to allow Zurili phone calls to be directly answered on your phone using the app and keeping your private phone details private. It's a little way out but development has started and it's pretty cool ;)

In the meantime, you'll just have to check on your phone from time to time.


Filter events on dashboard for service provider

Jenna 8 years ago in Dashboard updated by Richie Rich 1 (Level 3 Support) 8 years ago 1

When a user is a service provider and not admin, the events filtered on the dashboard should only include unread items that include that service provider.


Dashboard double up

Jenna 9 years ago in Dashboard updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Created new account and had a double up of admin


Make phone call status colour text same as menu text. :)

Jenna 9 years ago in Dashboard updated by Richie Rich 1 (Level 3 Support) 9 years ago 1

With some themes the black text is hard to read.


Fixed. In fact, all themes have been improved for readability