Wrong voicemail message
Unanswered calls yesterday were sent to the wrong practice's voicemail message, on three separate occasions to my knowledge. Each of the calls was sent to a different voicemail for three different practices. All different clients.

Hi Keiran,
We have updated this code and hope this matter is fully resolved. If you get any further reports, please let me know in this ticket. We have also added extra logging so if it does happen again, we should be able to pinpoint the cause quite quickly.

Update from Keiran:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news Richard, my clients are calling and getting through to 'dr Richard chiropractic' mailbox again. I'd told them that bug was well and truly fixed..

Actually Keiran, this will be better handled in a private ticket. I'm going to close this one and create a new one for us to use to resolve this issue.

As noted in ticket #170, this is now resolved.
Specifically: when calls could not be taken by the Concierge because they were all on other calls, the caller was placed in a queue. The message given on entry to the queue sometimes identified the incorrect practice. Otherwise, the call was handled correctly, but of course this was quite disconcerting to the caller.
Anyways... fixed :)
Customer support service by UserEcho
As noted in ticket #170, this is now resolved.
Specifically: when calls could not be taken by the Concierge because they were all on other calls, the caller was placed in a queue. The message given on entry to the queue sometimes identified the incorrect practice. Otherwise, the call was handled correctly, but of course this was quite disconcerting to the caller.
Anyways... fixed :)