Which callers go to Concierge?

What phone numbers does the cloud software appointment system recognize in Spinalogic so it doesn't direct all calls to the Concierge. I thought Jenna had set it up that numbers it didn't recognise (3 appointment's in) would come to Zurili others to us.

Hi Janine,
I don't know how you have your call forwarding configured. Can you tell me if you're using Scenario 1 or Scenario 2 as described in What calls to forward?
Also, maybe tell me what the outcome is that you're particularly looking for from using the Concierge? i.e. do you want them to take just the 'money calls' or all calls?
:) Janno
Level 1 Support

we use scenario 1. forward everything on a Wednesday and Friday arvo. But i just want answered the NP phonecalls. I have changed the settings to 'known callers - with no previous appointments completed' (and also to take unknown callers). Is this correct?

Hi Janine,
For your scenario, those settings are correct. That should give you what you want. Let me know if you need any further help refining this.
Janno :)
Level 1 Support
Customer support service by UserEcho
we use scenario 1. forward everything on a Wednesday and Friday arvo. But i just want answered the NP phonecalls. I have changed the settings to 'known callers - with no previous appointments completed' (and also to take unknown callers). Is this correct?